Repeat prescriptions can be requested via our dedicated phone line.
PRESCRIPTION LINE - TEL: 028 91824367.
Please note this phone is not manned by a member of staff. Leave your dob, name and address followed by the name of the drug you require and quantity. Alternatively to request a prescription:
- Use our online service via the link at the top of this page - you will need to collect a pin number from reception with your photographic ID Or
- Tick the items required on your counterfoil slip. Or
- Write out the items you require giving full details.
To avoid errors, we do not take telephone requests on our appointment line or general enquiry line you must ring the Prescription line.
Please allow 2 working days between ordering and collecting script.
Prescriptions will be sent to your nominated chemist. You only need to nominate a pharmacy once and this wil be saved to your notes and all further scripts will automatically go to your choosen chemist.
Prescriptions can be posted if a stamped addressed envelope is provided.